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As promised in the Year 2 grid this week. Here are some of the wonderful planes drawn this week. Even Miss Arshad and Mrs Sodhi had a go. What do you think?

Special Education needs Home Learning

Woodthorne-SEND-Home-Learning-7.5.20-1Download Inclusion Newsletter 11/05/2020 Woodthorne-SEND-Summer-1-home-learning-18.5.20Download Inclusion-Newsletter 01.06.20Download Woodthorne- SEND- 01.06.20Download Woodthorne SEND-...

Year 4 updates

An outstanding quality of work coming in from year 4. I think that these are lovely examples of the work you have been doing. Husna has done a wonderful DT project around Roald Dahl. Well done. What a great descriptive piece by Seb. Super line drawing by Anisha....

Year 2 have very green fingers.

Year 2 have been working hard at home in science, learning about plants, Some of the children tell us they have even been growing their own flowers, fruit and vegetables. Here is a selection of their outstanding work . Well done Year 2!

The Lion King – Year 6

If I was impressed with the work on Aladdin, this week has taken it to a new level. What wonderful Year 6 efforts. I have learned so much reading all of your work. Miss Eardly, Miss Laird, Miss Titley and Mrs Marsden are very proud of you all. Here is what they had to...