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Weekly Year 4 update

Miss Smith, Mrs Priest and Mrs Cotterill have really enjoyed reading all of your updates this week. Here are some of their highlights: What a neat and clear Tudor timeline by Jaya.This funky fish was made on the computer on Purple Mash, well done Isabella.The...


All the teachers in Reception are so proud of our wonderful children. Here are some of the exciting fun things they have been doing at home: Arjun has learnt how to make different shadows with help from his sister.Grace has been creative too, she has been...

How to make a sweet treat – Year 6

Miss Laird tells me that it is traditional to have a sweet treat on SATS week and this week should be no different. As such, they set some homework to make a sweet treat to enjoy. Kaitlyn got straight onto this task and made some cornflake cakes. She has sent some...