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I have a dream… #blacklivesmatter

This was a lovely email to receive today, Miss Eardly was so proud of the key worker children this week that she has asked me to share their work on here. I can totally see why she was proud of them all. This is what she said: This week, we have been looking at life...

This week in Reception

Thank you once again for your wonderful pictures. This week it was a little tricky again! Here are a few that I have selected, hope you like them. The most important thing is everyone is happy and enjoying themselves. Dhylan is doing lots of fun learning and spending...

Year 3 have been busy

Wow, what a busy week we have had in Year 3. Here are a few of our favourites: We are super impressed with how much amazing work Daniel has done. Well done Aariya. Great work, a lovely review. What a neat fact file! well done Annabel. Great work and experiment on seed...