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Thank you so much, Husna, Hafsa and Hanna for sharing these lovely pictures of how you celebrate Ramadan. A special thank you to Husna who wrote these wonderful words below to tell us all about how they will celebrate Ramadan in isolation this year.

Its Ramadan! By Husna 4P

Me and my family will be celebrating the holy month of Ramadan which started on Friday the 24th April and lasts up to 29 to 30 days. Each day Muslims around the world fast (which means not to eat food or drink any water from before sunrise till sunset). During the month of Ramadan Muslims fast to remember God and to think about all the poor people in the world who have no little food. Me and my family usually give money to charities to help the needy. My parents read the Quran and pray an extra prayer during the night.

For the first time this year I fasted with my parents for a whole day and have now done two days of Ramadan. We wake up in the night just before sunrise to eat our food to eat our food then we go back to sleep after we pray. I usually wake up quite late and then do some home schooling and play with my sisters in the garden. I like to keep busy that way my day goes past fast. Then I help my mum and dad prepare food at around 8pm, my sisters help to get the table ready and we set the delicious food on the table.

This year me, my sisters and my mum decorated our house for Ramadan and my mom made us each an advent calendar. Each day during the month of Ramadan we open adore of our calendar and inside is a special chocolate egg.

To mark the end of the month of Ramadan we will be celebrating Eid. This year will be quite different, usually we visit our family especially my granny, but we won’t be able to do that as we are in lockdown. However, we are still planning on a big garden party, wearing our brand-new clothes and eating lots of delicious food. We always get lots of presents too. We may even have a zoom party with all our cousins during Eid so we will still get to see each other.