Snow and bad Weather
Our school will always endeavor to operate as normal during adverse weather and closures will only ever be made as a last resort and if there is a risk to the health and safety of our pupils.
In the event that the decision is made to close our school, every effort will be made to ensure that our parents/carers will be informed quickly and where possible in time to prevent you commencing your journeys to school. If the decision is made to close, a text message will be sent out to all parents and carers (Please ensure your current mobile numbers are held by the school office to receive these updates), and a message will be displayed on our school website.
Updates will also be made via the Local Authority on the ‘Wolverhampton Today – School Closures’ Facebook page and the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Twitter feed. This is also the agreed method for informing any local radio stations of school closures. Information will also be posted on the City of Wolverhampton Council’s website here.
Thank you for your co-operation.
General information
If the school does not plan to open in the morning, how will I find out?
We will update this website and the City Council website/Facebook Page. Local radio stations will broadcast a list of closed schools by checking the City Council website. A text message will also be sent to our parents/carers.
What happens if there is bad weather during the day and we are forced to close early?
This site will be updated as soon as the decision is made and a text message will be sent out notifying you of this.
How can I contact school during the day if I am worried about whether the school is about to close?
Normally school closures will be notified by the website and by a blanket text message to parents, but if you are worried please phone the main school number 01902 558544.
How will children be sent home if we do close early?
We will stay with children as long as it takes to ensure that they are safely released. If you send another person than yourself to collect your child, make sure that we know who is picking them up.