I imagine that you are all wondering what school is like at the moment. I know I have been. I was wondering how different things would look and what the key workers children are doing, so I thought it might be nice to show you.
It is certainly quiet, with 400 children missing it is nowhere near as loud as usual but despite this, Woodthorne retains its magic. In fact, it is surprisingly the same as always, but at the same time, it looks a bit different.
Classes are spread out more, the children are sat 2 metres apart but they can turn around, they can communicate together and they can learn. They are all doing the same work as the children at home using the learning grids, with work on ipads for maths, spellings, reading and purple mash. They are also playing outside and learning.

The corridor also has 2 metre markers to allow people to distance but otherwise it is the same.
Look at this wonderful model of the solar system which Adam made while he was in class yesterday, he brought this to show Mr Hinkley, I was super impressed at his creativity with just paper and elastic bands. You can also see that he is standing on one of the floor 2 metre lines.
Early years is a much more relaxed atmosphere as it usually is, with children separated for social distancing purposes into different learn through play areas through the room. The children are allowed to play and learn as normal and they remind us adults of the 2 metre rule occasionally as they appear to know it so well.

So in summary, it is quiet but it feels the same place. It is just missing its wonderful pupils.
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