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Did you know it is SATs week?

Hello Year 6, how are you?

Here’s something you might not know…

This week would’ve been your SATs,

where on earth did the time go?

We’ve been prepping since September,

mentioned them every day

and now with everything going on….

POOF! They’ve gone away.

All the arithmetic, times tables, reasoning,

practise papers too.

Present perfect, progressive, subjunctive,

inference and retrieval we’d do.

Some of us may feel lucky,

tests can bring us stress;

others may feel a bit forlorn,

they wanted to show their best.

No matter which one you feel,

(you might feel a bit of both)

it’s important you know that we

have seen every little bit of growth.

We’ve seen you try your hardest

and sometimes feel like you’ve failed.

We’ve seen those amazing lightbulb moments,

where all your hard work prevailed.

For us, what’s most important,

in these uncertain times,

is that you remember your time with us,

always with a smile.

So all the boosters, tests and homework

were just a bit of fun!

But, Year 6, nothing (not even a global pandemic!)

can undo the work you’ve done.

So regardless of how you’re feeling

about not having SATs,

You’re all Greater Depth at being amazing

and that’s the end of that!

The last thing we want you to know,

when all is said and done,

is that we’re so proud of all of you,

for how far you’ve all come!

Lots of love,

The Year 6 Team xx