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Year 4 news

Mrs Priest has asked me to share this lovely timeline work by Freya, hasn’t she done a great job. Meanwhile, Husna has been celebrating Eid with her sisters, don’t they all look wonderful. Belated happy Eid to anyone celebrating last weekend.

Happy Birthday, Woodthorne.

You will all have seen that this year is the 60th birthday of our fabulous school. Over coming weeks we will be doing lots of work about this topic both in and out of school. It was therefore lovely to receive our first card in the post box today. Thank you Husna, for...

Highlights from Year 2

Miss Richards has sent me a lovely selection of work this week from our year 2 superstars. Here they are for you all to see: Lots of Willy Wonka work with the Charlie and the Chocolate factory theme. Well done, Cleo, Hanif, Isaac, Sienna and Wilson for super computer...

Nursery updates

Once again our nursery children have been keeping busy this week. Mrs Elcock has asked me to share these lovely pictures. Olivia has been pretending  to go shopping and learning all about money. Hanna went on a bear hunt with her homemade binoculars and had to find 20...