01902 921160

Lads and Lasses update

On our phased reopening, we will be asking that children attend in non uniform but at some point in the future we may move back to uniform so we wanted to share this update from our main uniform supplier Lads and Lasses for your information: “We have been...

Thank you, teachers.

Today is National “Thank A Teacher Day.” With this in mind, I would like to take a moment to thank every single teacher and teaching assistant at Woodthorne for all they do to help our children grow. Maddy has made a picture for them on behalf of the...

Nursery updates

Once again, nursery have had a busy week at home and have sent in some lovely things. Mrs Elcock chose these this week as her favourite pictures. Mustafa working hard on Purple MashHanna has drawn a lovely shopMia made a beautiful card for the teachersLook at this...