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Esme has been keeping very busy

This email stood out this week because of quite how many things Esme in Year 4 has managed to do to keep busy. We thought that sharing her suggestions of things to do to keep you occupied might help others who are getting a bit bored at home. Aren’t her photos...

Year 1 – A dangerous Pet

Part of Year 1 homework this week was to write a story about the below picture which is called, “A Dangerous Pet”. We got some brilliant work and wanted to share them with you. Here are 3 of our favourites. Meanwhile, Maya wrote her work using Word, using...

Advice from a Dad who is playing teacher

The school drive! One of our school Dads shares his wisdom for getting a good routine throughout the day. “Role play has really helped us maintain a routine at home. We start the school day at 9:30, from then on I’m Mr Atwal (school teacher). The girls have...