01902 921160

Book Day Costumes

Some wonderful creations for our book day. Keep your eyes open to see if you can spot who everyone is. In the meantime, here is our Senior Leadership Team working hard this morning!

Letters Sent to Parents W/E 6th March

WHOLE-SCHOOL-New-parent-appDownload Years-1-to-6-Spelling-Shed-and-Oxford-Reading-Buddy-letterDownload Early-Years-Oxford-Reading-Buddy-letterDownload Whole-School-World-Book-Day-letterDownload RW-Letter-requesting-photosDownload PHMAT-Spring-Parent-NewsletterDownload...

Year 4 International Dance Assembly

Class 4C have been working incredibly hard in their music and PE lessons, learning about music types and dances from different cultures. Some parents will have been lucky enough to have seen the performances which were created by our children. I am sure you will join...

Library Visit

The children in Reception have been to the library this week. They walked together as a class and had a story with the librarian as well as seeing how the library works. I am told that they had a lovely time. Thanks to the staff at Perton Library who allowed this to...