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Year 5 updates

Year 5 updates

Year 5 have been very busy this week, here is a selection of Mr Johnston and Mr Stack’s favourite pieces of work. What an amazing experiment, well done Havana. I am definitely going to try this with my children. Lovely, well presented research. Well done,...

Last week in year 1

Once again we have received some fabulous work from our Year 1 children. It is great to see how much they have been doing and we are really looking forward to seeing a number of them come back to us today. This is what they got up to at home last week. They learned...

Home Learning of the week 12/6

YEAR 6 We have 2 nominations this week for Year 6 for their super work to keep themselves busy in lockdown. First we have Tara who has come up with a wonderful way of keeping fit. We have a very big field waiting for you when you get back. The second nomination is for...

I have a dream… #blacklivesmatter

This was a lovely email to receive today, Miss Eardly was so proud of the key worker children this week that she has asked me to share their work on here. I can totally see why she was proud of them all. This is what she said: This week, we have been looking at life...