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Year 3 – PE

Year 3 – PE

Jack in year 3 has shared a circuit which he has designed for his PE lessons. I tried this today and can vouch that it was certainly hard work. Here is what Jack said along with some photos he has shared: “I made a circuit in my garden. It was tiring work.It was...

More Art

From our youngest yesterday in nursery, to one of our oldest today. Hasn’t Prabjhot done a terrific job here with some lovely detailing on this pencil drawing. This is artwork fit for any wall. Lovely work, well done, Prabjohot.

Nursery budding artists

We are absolutely loving the artwork which has come in from some of our youngest children. It is great to see how creative they are being. We especially love this one, what a great poster with a brilliant message. Ariya’s NHS Heros Meanwhile, we received this...

Would you like to grow a rainbow?

A number of our children have mentioned this science experiment so we thought we would share how to do it, so that everyone can have a go. It is really simple and all you need is some kitchen roll and felts and some pots of water. Children of all ages will love the...

Esme has been keeping very busy

This email stood out this week because of quite how many things Esme in Year 4 has managed to do to keep busy. We thought that sharing her suggestions of things to do to keep you occupied might help others who are getting a bit bored at home. Aren’t her photos...