01902 921160

Move over Jamie Oliver

We Woodthorne staff love our food! We especially love it when someone else makes it for us. It has therefore been wonderful to see how well the children are embracing cooking at home and helping in the kitchen. These skills will serve them well for their futures,...

Year 2 – weekly round up

Year 2 have clearly been working incredibly hard this week looking at the amount of work we have received. So much to choose from that I might even need to do a second post to share more of the highlights later in the week. Here are some wonderful pictures that Miss...

Happy Birthday Colonel Tom Moore

As a school, we would like to take this opportunity to say a big Happy 100th Birthday to Captain Tom Moore, who today became an honorary Colonel following his efforts for the NHS during the Coronavirus crisis. Many of our children have made cards and pictures and...

Updates From Home – Reception

Mrs Gakhal has kindly shared some lovely pictures this week which our reception children have sent in. It looks like you are all working really hard and also having lots of fun. Here is one of Mrs G’s photos too, so that you can see the lovely things she has...