01902 921160

Charity Thank Yous

We have had not one but 2 thank-you letters from charities this week. Both Compton Care and Young Minds have written to express thanks for monies raised. Here are copies of the letters for you to have a read about how much difference your donations have made....

Thank You Mr Santa

For over 10 years, Mr Bolas has helped at school and donned the big red suit over Christmas. This year he has decided to hang up his wellingtons and pass the job on to someone else. With this in mind, the staff joined together to create a gift to express our...

PTA Christmas Raffle winners

Thanks to all who took part in the Christmas Raffle, winners were as follows: Ethan – Kindle Fire Paloma – Echo dot Skye – Champagne Miss T – Baked voucher Adam – Lime Tree voucher Julie – Haircut Sam, Esme and Joseph –...


Thanks to everyone who bought cakes and donated to Compton Care, we raised over £300 in total and featured on the Compton Care website and Facebook page with the following picture. A special mention to Barbara and the after school club team who worked so hard on their...

Bauble Competition

Our bauble competition was a total success yet again with winners below. Well done to Daisy, Sam, Amelia and Adam for your entries which are pictured below.