Our winner of homework of the week is Saran. He produced a fantastic write-up to his investigation and clearly had a fantastic time doing so! Well done, Saran.
Year 5 have given their star of the week this week to Prem. You only have to read this wonderful piece about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to see why. Well done Prem!
Well done to Eva this week who made this wonderful video, not only a fabulous advert but super acting and ideas as well as great use of technology.
This week we have picked Eleanor. Every piece of work she hands in is done with care and 100% effort. She has worked so hard. This is just one example of her amazing work.

We have chosen Elliot as our home learning star of the week. Without fail, each day Elliot will complete a range of activities from the home learning grid but also following his interests. And email them into our class email, sometimes even three or four times a day! What a fantastic role model! Here is just a small selection of the work he’s completed this week.
This week, year 1 have chosen Max as homework of the week for his super sea story. Well done Max!

Reception teachers have chosen Ethan as our Star Home learning for this week. I have attached a couple of pictures below. The topic of the week was ‘Dinosaurs’ and Ethan was so engaged and did some wonderful creative activities, especially his dinosaur hat!
This week, Nursery have chosen Paloma as star homework of the week for her wonderful bear hunt activity. Looks like so much fun. Well done.
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