Well done Jasmin, we loved this picture so much that it had to be our learning of the week.

The year 5 home learner of the week is Aditi.
Aside from consistently producing fantastic Home Learning work through the pandemic, Aditi is fundraising for The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity. Aditi has seen how people around us have suffered during the covid-19 pandemic and how NHS keyworkers have tried to support us all during these difficult times. This has inspired her to give something back to her local NHS as a way saying thank you. Aditi has been doing a lot of art during this lockdown. You could take a look at some of her paintings and ask her to draw something similar or anything else of your choice.

Year 4 have chosen Amerjot for home learning of the week for super work on Tudor food including this fabulous Feast. Well done.

Ruby always sends in beautifully presented work and this week is no exception. Ruby has sent in lots of wonderful work this week as you can see below. You have worked hard and deserve to be Year 3 home learner of the week.
Year 2 have chosen Eimaan for their home learner of the week for this absolutely amazing answerphone message. I can’t wait until she comes back to school so I can get her to do the real one for me. Isn’t this wonderful.
There are 2 winners in Year 1 this week.

Not wanting to be outdone by her brother, we also have Lucy in Reception, who has been nominated by her teachers this week for her outstanding reading.
Well done to Amro and Nathan who have been awarded joint stars of the week this week for their lovely work.
Amro has decorated this lovely bag What an awesome rocket, Nathan.
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