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This was a lovely email to receive today, Miss Eardly was so proud of the key worker children this week that she has asked me to share their work on here. I can totally see why she was proud of them all. This is what she said:

This week, we have been looking at life in the 1960s. After spending the morning on our home learning grids, we all became mini Simon Cowells, playing a ‘Battle of the Bands’ between the top 20 UK chart hits of the 1960s. There were some tricky decisions to make but our top two were ‘Sugar, Sugar’ by The Archies and ‘Hey Jude’ by The Beatles. We then looked at the Civil Rights Movement in the 60s in America and had some very deep conversations about the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement that we have seen on the news recently. We looked at Ruby Bridges, the first black child to attend a white school, and listened to Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech before trying to write our own. I was incredibly proud of the dreams that the children had of what changes they would like to see in the world. Well done, KS2! I was also really proud of Max’s home learning grid writing on ‘A Dangerous Pet’ – super writing, Max!