01902 921160

Work from Home



Reception at home and at school

Some fabulous pictures and work from Reception again this week. Some of our children have been in school this week and Mrs Hodgkiss has sent some pictures to share so they don't miss out on being on here. Well done to you all for doing such wonderful learning at home...

Year 3 updates

Some lovely work in from Year 3 this week, here are our highlights. Jack has made a super model Shaduf What a wonderful and well presented 50's menu from Eleanor. 1950’s-MenuDownload https://youtu.be/WGi1kCY8-XI I did this with my dad in the man cave and I did all the...

Pet sitting with Ava

Home learning is not all about online maths and creative writing, it is lovely to see children learning in different ways. Ava has been babysitting her uncle's dog Ozwald as a test. After lockdown her parents have said she may be able to have one if she does a good...

Year 6 this week

Year 6 were due to go on their end of year residential this month so we decided to try and recreate it at home! Many thanks to the children who sent in some examples of their fantastic work J Top marks to Rubi-Mae for doing such a fantastic job of making her bed,...

