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Work from Home



Nursery updates

Once again, nursery have had a busy week at home and have sent in some lovely things. Mrs Elcock chose these this week as her favourite pictures. Mustafa working hard on Purple MashHanna has drawn a lovely shopMia made a beautiful card for the teachersLook at this...

Another rival for Mrs Hodgkiss at reading

Not wanting to be outdone by the Reception children, we now have an entry from our Nursery to be a star reader. Look at this reading of some of her common exception words. Tallulah, this is wonderful. Well done! https://youtu.be/yGoSYpqX57U

Year 6 – Log onto Facebook tomorrow to visit a jail

Miss Eardly asked me to share this with you as it is so relevant to your crime and punishment topic which you did in Spring at school. "I am inviting you and your students at Woodthorne Primary and Nursery School to join us on a virtual guided tour on Wednesday...

Year 3 updates

As well as the lovely work we have seen on Egypt, Year 3 have also been doing some other great work. Here are a few of our favourites: Labelling plants Comparing seeds Super art work and creativity Playing games with family Keep up the good work Year 3.

A taste of Egypt

Year 3 are continuing their year 3 Egypt efforts with some absolutely wonderful ideas and work. Here are some of the teacher favourites to share for this week. This must have taken Kishen a long time to make. He has sculpted an outstanding pyramid using Knex. If you...

