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Work from Home



Ariya’s story

Occasionally, I spot something which I think is great in the homework sent to me and this was one of those items, mainly because Ariya in our Year 1 has neater writing than me. Here is Ariya saying hello and also her lovely writing.

Year 1 are material hunting

What has been most wonderful about the homework grids is that all children have interpreted their work in their own way. This has led to a really good mix of different ideas to share. Year 1 this week had a task to collect and categorise lots of different materials,...

Nursery emergency services

Mia has used the last week to reflect on the work of the police, as you can see, she has drawn a wonderful police car. She has also even made a super jail. Meanwhile, look at this wonderful fire engine which Hanna has created using the computer. Well done!

Weekly Year 4 update

Miss Smith, Mrs Priest and Mrs Cotterill have really enjoyed reading all of your updates this week. Here are some of their highlights: What a neat and clear Tudor timeline by Jaya.This funky fish was made on the computer on Purple Mash, well done Isabella.The "Chester...

Newsround – Buddhism

Natasha has created a Newsround video this week, with everything she has learned about Buddhism. I have learnt lots of new things. Thank you Tash. https://youtu.be/FuufD5i0_20

