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Work from Home




As promised in the Year 2 grid this week. Here are some of the wonderful planes drawn this week. Even Miss Arshad and Mrs Sodhi had a go. What do you think?

Year 4 updates

An outstanding quality of work coming in from year 4. I think that these are lovely examples of the work you have been doing. Husna has done a wonderful DT project around Roald Dahl. Well done. What a great descriptive piece by Seb. Super line drawing by Anisha....

Year 2 have very green fingers.

Year 2 have been working hard at home in science, learning about plants, Some of the children tell us they have even been growing their own flowers, fruit and vegetables. Here is a selection of their outstanding work . Well done Year 2!

The Lion King – Year 6

If I was impressed with the work on Aladdin, this week has taken it to a new level. What wonderful Year 6 efforts. I have learned so much reading all of your work. Miss Eardly, Miss Laird, Miss Titley and Mrs Marsden are very proud of you all. Here is what they had to...

Reception children have been very busy

Mrs Gakhal, Mrs Wong and Mrs Hodgkiss have loved your latest emails, children. They have chosen a selection to share with everybody below. Mrs Gakhal says "The children have been busy cooking, looking for mini beasts, enjoying cosmic yoga, painting, planting and...

