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Work from Home



Pharaohs and Fossils – Year 3

Homework is also coming in from year 3. Some home made fossils Archie has made a wonderful clock to practise telling the time on What a brilliant Pharoah - Well done Annabelle! Fabulous work by Darcee

Fabulous work from home – Year 1

Miss Perry, Mrs Paal and Mrs Pocock have been delighted with the effort of our year 1 children and the work that they are already sending in on the homeworking links. Here are a couple of great examples. Well done and keep sending your year 1 work in to...

Milkshake stars from Woodthorne – EYFS

Did anyone spot this on Milkshake? One of our very own reception children and his brother from year 3 have become famous! Wonderful work too. Well done Zack and Max. https://youtu.be/PkLLjYg5FNQ


Reading is something we are passionate about at Woodthorne. So much so, we have created a reading corner in every classroom. It made our day today, to get an email where one of our children has recreated their own reading den at home. What a lovely idea.

Fun times while still learning – Year 5

Further to my post last week, about the end of the Easter holidays, I have received some lovely pictures of one of our year 5 children. These pictures really do show that you can learn while having fun. Well done, I will be looking forward to seeing your first knitted...

